Short story out, rough draft almost done

I have been in this state of not knowing what to do. I’ve been writing my novel (working title “Seashells and Hellions”) for almost a year now, and I’ve almost reached the end of my rough draft. I know the next step is to look through the whole piece and see if there is anything I missed, and the next-next step is to do the editing. But everything feels a little weird. Sometimes even when I know what’s next, I kind of stop myself because of that element of the unknown. It’s… uncomfortable, I guess?

In other awesome news though, my first short story was published! It’s called “Windows are Mirrors | Mirrors are Windows”, about two best friends traveling and staying in a weird motel. They’re fighting. Lucy Daestrom ignores what she thinks is something watching them from the catwalk on the upper level, to their great detriment. It is in a ghost anthology and edited by Peter Talley. A poem’s in there too, called “Night Sounds”. The book’s out now. entitled Beyond the Levee and other Ghostly Tales. I feel super honored to be among other incredibly talented authors. The other stories I’ve read so far are incredible. Click that link to check it out!

Annnd with that, I gotta go because the hot dogs I was toasting are super burnt now.

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